Jofra AMC910 Multi function calibrator

AMC910 multifunction calibration instrument is the perfect solution for high precision signal, temperature and pressure calibration. It also has the function and characteristic of the calibration instrument. This flexibility means that only a single calibrator can provide the desired functionality, performance and value.

In addition, each output range can be stored as many as 9 sets of points, these points can be manually selected, can also be automatically stored in a fixed time interval. Operate the calibration instrument through an intuitive and easy-to-use user interface. For automatic production test, the computer can be controlled by RS232 or IEEE 488 interface.

JOFRA AMC900 not only provides the temperature and pressure calibration function, but also includes the current source, voltage source, as well as the measurement of MV voltage, resistance function. Multi function means that you only need an instrument for calibration or verification. This standard gives you the confidence you need to test equipment and field calibration. Use JOFRA AMC900 to enable your lab or department to achieve a higher level of accuracy and functionality. For each output class JOFRA AMC900 can store up to 9 sets of points. Set points can be set manually or automatically at the specified time interval. JOFRA AMC900 also has an easy-to-use front panel user interface and a RS232 or IEEE-488 interface that allows you to connect to your computer for automated testing. It can provide DC voltage and DC current source to meet the multi working load range, can calibrate the data recorder, tape recorder, multi-function table, handheld calibration and other industrial equipment. This is an economical and effective solution to meet the needs of your multiple calibration.

Laboratory standard: electrical signal, hand-held calibrator, desktop tester.

Output: 0-100mA DC current

0-100V DC voltage

0-100mV DC MV voltage (T/C analog)

5-4000 ohmic resistance (RTD)

Input: 0-100mV DC MV voltage T/C temperature conversion)

0-4000 ohmic resistance (RTD temperature conversion)

Complete remote control of the pressure module: IEEE-4888 parallel device bus and RS232 serial interface

Pressure reference: by adding an external pressure module to expand the diversity of instrument functions, accuracy up to 0.01%

Temperature reference: 13 different thermocouple types of 14 different types of thermal resistance accuracy of up to 0.025 degrees C

Thermal resistance simulation: this function can be coordinated with all pulse and HART transmitter.

JOFRA AMC900 application

A new calibration laboratory:

AMC900 is a set of instruments that can bring great changes to your instrument or laboratory. The utility model realizes the calibration and the detection of the signal, the temperature and the pressure equipment with an instrument. You can output a current source, a voltage source and a resistor, or you can measure voltage and resistance. Integrated advanced digital multifunction meter, so you have a fully digital calibration laboratory.

Save your time:

AMC900 is versatile. If you need to store a test point for a calibration process, you can store up to 9 test points and their corresponding time to facilitate a repeat check. The AMC900 has stored a wide range of temperature sensor types in the world today, allowing you to spend time on the calibration rather than on the calibration of the instrument programming or reference look-up table. Your pressure calibration needs can also be implemented by a series of modules that can be directly communicated with the AMC900. In addition, you can choose IEEE-4888 or RS232 to easily make your calibration automation. Just use the super terminal, Visual Basic, or any other software that uses the ASCII code interface.

AMC900 as your temperature reference:

Use AMC900 to maintain a high degree of trust in all your handheld temperature calibration devices. Check the electrical connection between the reference probe in the AMC900 and JOFRA dry calibrator - use AMC900 as an external temperature reference. AMC900 has a variety of analog functions, at the factory has stored 14 standard thermal resistance and 13 standard thermocouple indexing table, you may occasionally need to output analog common sensor and add your own custom indexing table, the user interface allows you to add these contents to calibration of these sensors.

Save money by maintaining all your own temperature calibration equipment. AMC900 is standard for your dry temperature calibration instrument. It can accept the temperature calibration of the reference probe input (and compatible with the JOFRA STS100 sensor). You can use a reference probe and AMC900 to check your dry temperature calibration instrument.

As a temperature reference, you can also check the production of heat equipment such as circulating tank, dry calibration furnace, oven, etc..

In a laboratory or workshop

AMC900 can meet the calibration requirements of the laboratory environment, but also can be used as a reference standard for the instrument shop. The adaptability of the device enables it to be used as a standard for calibration of signal, temperature and pressure in the laboratory. When you need for a large number of equipment operation, for example, in a machine shop, you can test them on the desktop instruments are installed before you can use this efficient calibration instrument in accordance with the rules of operation maintenance and test equipment for your traceability and performance, in order to save money.

AMC900 as a pressure reference:

The pressure can also be incorporated into the application range of the AMC900 using the pressure module. Just use your existing pressure source to verify. All modules communicate directly with the calibration instrument to ensure good communication and accurate calibration.

Communication to ensure good information transmission and accurate calibration. AMC900 as a pressure standard has a wide range of pressure module groups from 0 to 10 inH2O to 10000 psi. Each module has the gauge pressure, absolute pressure, vacuum and different scope. Pressure values can be displayed over a wide range of engineering units, with a precision of up to 0.01% of the full scale. Each module can be inserted into the front panel to communicate directly with the AMC900 and the ASC300 handheld multifunction calibrator.

Temperature reference probe

JOFRA STS series two temperature standard

JOFRA industrial temperature reference probe is built on the basis of fifty years of industrial temperature sensor production experience. One of the main requirements of the reference probe is stability, the lower the drift of the probe, the lower the uncertainty of the measurement.

All JOFRA temperature standard probes are economical and provide fast response time, low insertion depth, compact physical size, and even low drift rates even at high temperatures. These are important indicators to consider when choosing a reference probe.

In addition to the straight probe, the AMETEK also provides a 90 degree angle for the development of dry type temperature calibrator and the probe. This probe allows the user to also be measured and the reference temperature sensor probe is inserted, even if the sensor can be

Can be connected with or sent to the head. For more information on the JOFRA STS100 series, please refer to the

Manual: SS-CP-2179.

All probes have to go through a long period of verification, including the entire assembly of mechanical pressure reduction and sensor head aging. Sensor aging is designed to remove the initial drift. This process needs to be repeated several times to 650 C / 1202 F, while monitoring the drift. Finally, all sensors are exposed to the maximum temperature of 16 hours, and then monitor the drift. Only after they have been able to start calibration.

Use AMC910:

• output voltage up to 100V with + 0.003% accuracy

• output current up to 100mA with + 0.005% accuracy

• output / read the temperature of 13 thermocouples at + 0.14 C

• to + 0.05 degrees of precision output, the accuracy of + + 0.02 C to read the 9 RTD

• read pressure by + APM 0.025% external pressure module

Use independent measurement channels:

• read voltage (10 to 100VDC range accurate to + + 0.005%)

• read current (0 to 50mA range accurate to + + 0.01%)

• 24VDC loop power supply

Optional 250 ohm HART resistor


115 115VAC power supply

230 230VAC power supply

G NIST traceable certificate

H ISO17025 accreditation certificate


121985 Pt100 sensor extension cable - 5 m

121983 K extension cable - 5 m

122523 N extension cable - 5 m

120519 thermocouple plug - Cu-Cu - white

120518 thermocouple plug - R / S - Green

120517 thermocouple plug - K - Green

120516 thermocouple plug - J - Black

120515 thermocouple plug - T - Blue

120514 thermocouple plug - N - Orange

2206011 thermocouple plug + K + alligator clip

2206012 thermocouple plug + T + alligator clip

104203 test leads with black and red clip

105366 RS232 cable

126812 USB serial cable

125534 cable with LEMO / LEMO male connector

125587 cable with minicamp / LEMO connector

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