Chatillon LG系列数字测力计

ChatillonLG 系列是一套出色而经济的解决方案,专用于拉伸或压缩测试。这些机械 测力计 具有 2.25 英寸刻度盘,甚至在较大极限负载时,依然可以轻易地手动安装灵活坚固的夹具。 Chatillon LG 系列是一套低成本的测力解决方案,适用于多种多样的测力应用。 这些机械测力计配有 2.25 英寸刻度盘,精度为全量程 0.5%,并配有用于峰值捕捉和快速归零的峰值保持按钮。同心刻度盘只能顺时针测量,可旋转 360 度进行去皮操作。机械过载功能保护测力计免于受损......


ametek LG系列数字测力计
Chatillon LG 系列是一套出色而经济的解决方案,专用于拉伸或压缩测试。这些机械测力计具有 2.25 英寸刻度盘,甚至在较大极限负载时,依然可以轻易地手动安装灵活坚固的夹具。
Chatillon LG 系列是一套低成本的测力解决方案,适用于多种多样的测力应用。 

这些机械测力计配有 2.25 英寸刻度盘,精度为全量程± 0.5%,并配有用于峰值捕捉和快速归零的峰值保持按钮。同心刻度盘只能顺时针测量,可旋转 360 度进行去皮操作。机械过载功能保护测力计免于受损。



LG 系列主要特色:
- 三种分度单位(磅力、千克力和牛)
- 真正安全
- 峰值开关

Chatillon LG Series Mechanical Force Gauge

The CHATILLON® LG Series mechanical force gauge is ideal for a wide range of force testing applications. Based on our popular DPP Series force gauge, the LG Series features a larger, 2.25-inch dial for improved resolution and readability, peak hold button, ergonomic shape and improved accuracy of +0.5% of full scale. The LG gauge is an excellent, economical solution for tensile or compression testing.
The durable, plastic housing fits naturally in the hand for a comfortable and firm grip even at maximum loads. Gauges may be mounted to a test stand for even greater control and consistent results in repetitive testing applications. Easy to read concentric dial measures clockwise only. Dial rotates 360-degrees for taring. A peak hold button captures peak readings and can be easily and quickly returned to zero. A mechanical overload feature protects the gauge from damage. Available in lbf, kgf or N units of measure. LG Series gauges come complete with protective carrying case and a set of stainless steel attachments.
A Certificate of Calibration with Data is supplied standard.
n Three Graduation Styles
- Newtons
n Tensile (Pull) and Compression (Push) Testing
n Peak Load Switch
n Tare Ring
n Intrinsically Safe
n NIST Calibration with Data
n 2 Year Warranty
Accuracy: +0.5% of Full Scale
Overload Capacity: 110% of Rated Capacity
Maximum Overload: 150% of Rated Capacity
Tare Capacity: 10% of Rated Capacity
Dial Resolution: 0.5% of Full Scale
Deflection (Full Scale): 10mm (.394 inches)
Operating Temperature: 40°F to 110°F
Instrument Weight: 5°C to 45°C
1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Shipping Weight: 8.4 lbs (3.80 kg) 
Dial Style - LBF
Model Capacity
LG-002 2 x 0.01 lbf
LG-005 5 x 0.025 lbf
LG-080 80 x 4 ozf
LG-010 10 x 0.05 lbf
LG-020 20 x 0.1 lbf
LG-030 30 x 0.15 lbf
LG-050 50 x 0.25 lbf
LG-075 75 x 0.375 lbf
LG-100 100 x 0.5 lbf
Standard Accessories
Part No. Description
SPK-FMG-012A Hook, Low Capacity
SPK-FMG-012B Hook, Medium Capacity
SPK-FMG-008A Chisel Point Adapter
SPK-FMG-009A Point Adapter
SPK-FMG-010A Notch Adapter
SPK-FMG-011A Flat Adapter
SPK-FMG-013A Extension Rod
NC002710 Carrying Case
Optional Accessories
Part No. Description
SPK-FMG-HANDLE Handle Assembly
Dial Style - KGF
Model Capacity
LG-1KG 1 x 0.005 kgf
  2 x 0.01 kgf
  3 x 0.015 kgf
LG-5KG 5 x 0.025 kgf
LG-10KG 10 x 0.05 kgf
LG-20KG 20 x 0.1 kgf
LG-30KG 30 x 0.15 kgf
LG-50KG 50 x 0.25 kgf

Dial Style - N  
Model Capacity
LG-10N 10 x 0.05 N
LG-20N 20 x 0.1 N
LG-30N 30 x 0.15 N
LG-50N 50 x 0.25 N
LG-100N 100 x 0.5 N
LG-200N 200 x 1 N
LG-300N 300 x 1.5 N
LG-500N 500 x 2.5 N


上一篇:Chatillon DG系列数字测力计
下一篇:Chatillon MSE100系列人体工程测力计





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