Chatillon LTCM系列电动测试机架

Chatillon LTCM 系列的电动测试机架成本低廉,并针对生产现场操作进行了优化。装配数字 测力计 使用,可为用户提供易于使用的测试系统,用以拉伸、压缩和弯曲测试应用。 Chatillon LTCM 系列是低成本的电动测试机架,并针对生产现场操作进行了优化。若装配 Chatillon数字测力计,可为用户提供易于使用的测试系统,用于拉伸、压缩、剥离和弯曲测试应用。 LTCM 系列有大面积工作区域和 5 英寸(130 毫米)弯喉深度,适用于大尺寸样本。其基底配有预钻孔,......


Chatillon LTCM 系列的电动测试机架
Chatillon LTCM 系列是低成本的电动测试机架,并针对生产现场操作进行了优化。若装配 Chatillon数字测力计,可为用户提供易于使用的测试系统,用于拉伸、压缩、剥离和弯曲测试应用。

LTCM 系列有大面积工作区域和 5 英寸(130 毫米)弯喉深度,适用于大尺寸样本。其基底配有预钻孔,用于安装夹具和工装。


该电动测力机架有两种型号:LTCM100 的横梁行程可伸到 15 英寸(380 毫米),LTCM500 系列的横梁行程可伸到 29 英寸(720 毫米)。速度的设定范围从 0.2 到 20 英寸/分钟,或从 5 到 500 毫米/分钟。

LTCM 系列主要特点:
- 易于使用
- 紧凑轻巧的台式设计
- 机械行程限位(装配 Chatillon DF 测力计)
- 大面积工作区域 

Chatillon LTCM 系列的电动测试机架

LTCM-100 Series Motorized Force Tester

The CHATILLON® LTCM100 Series is an economical, motorized tester optimized for product floor operation. When combined with a Chatillon DF Series digital force gauge, it provides users with an easy-to-use testing system for tensile, compression, peel and flexural testing applications.
The LTCM100 Series features a large working area and 5-inch (130mm) throat ideal for large sample sizes. The base features pre-drilled holes for fitting fixtures and specialized testing jigs. Crosshead travel is controlled from a simple console or using an optional footswitch controller. Crosshead travel extends to 15 inches (380mm). Speed may be set from 0.2 to 20 in/min or 5 to 500 mm/min. A digital display indicates the travel speed during a test. The return speed may be configured to automatically return at maximum speed. Mechanical deflection limits, located on the column face can be used to set travel limit setpoints. The crosshead will stop when either the upper or lower deflection limit is contacted.
The LTCM100 Series is supplied with a hook and compression plate and certificate of conformance.
 Tensile, Compression, Peel & Flexural Testing
 Compact, Lightweight, Benchtop Design
 Simple Operation
- Console Controls for Speed & Travel
- Optional Footswitch Control
- Independent Return Speed
 Mechanical Deflection Limits
 Digital Load Limits (with Chatillon DF Gauge)
 Large Working Area
 2 Year Warranty
Load Capacity: 110 lbf, 500 N
Crosshead Speed: 0.2 to 20.0 in/min
Return Speed: 5 to 500 mm/min
20 in/min, 500mm/min
Speed Accuracy: +3% Unloaded
Travel Distance: 15 inches (380mm)
Power: 110/230V Switchable
Load Measurement: Chatillon DF Gauges
Operating Temperature: 40°F to 110°F
Instrument Weight: 5°C to 45°C
39 lbs (18 kg)
Shipping Weight: 50 lbs (23 kg)

LTCM-500 Series Motorized Force Tester
The CHATILLON® LTCM500 Series is an economical, motorized tester optimized for product floor operation. When combined with a Chatillon DF Series digital force gauge, it provides users with an easy-to-use testing system for tensile, compression, peel and flexural testing applications.
The LTCM500 Series features a large working area and 5-inch (130mm) throat ideal for large sample sizes. The base features T-slot table for fitting fixtures and specialized testing jigs. Crosshead travel is controlled from a simple console or using an optional footswitch controller. Crosshead travel extends to 29 inches (750mm). Speed may be set from 0.2 to 20 in/min or 5 to 500 mm/min. A digital display indicates the travel speed during a test. The return speed may be configured to automatically return at maximum speed. Mechanical deflection limits, located on the column face can be used to set travel limit setpoints. The crosshead will stop when either the upper or lower deflection limit is contacted.
The LTCM500 Series is supplied with a hook and compression plate and certificate of conformance.
 Tensile, Compression, Peel & Flexural Testing
 Compact, Lightweight, Benchtop Design
 Simple Operation
- Console Controls for Speed & Travel
- Optional Footswitch Control
- Independent Return Speed
 Mechanical Deflection Limits
 Digital Load Limits (with Chatillon DF Gauge)
 T-Slot Work Area
 2 Year Warranty
Load Capacity: 550 lbf, 2.5 kN
Crosshead Speed: 0.2 to 20.0 in/min
Return Speed: 5 to 500 mm/min
20 in/min, 500mm/min
Speed Accuracy: +3% Unloaded
Travel Distance: 29 inches (750mm)
Power: 110/230V Switchable
Load Measurement: Chatillon DF Gauges
Operating Temperature: 40°F to 110°F
Instrument Weight: 5°C to 45°C
100 lbs (50 kg)
Shipping Weight: 120 lbs (60 kg)

上一篇:Chatillon MT系列手动测试机架
下一篇:Chatillon CS系列材料测试机





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