FLIR A655sc高分辨率科研用长波红外热像仪
FLIR A655sc高分辨率科研用长波红外热像仪,文章来源于FLIR, 有助于工程师、研究人员及科学家对热图、泄漏、散逸及其它在设备、产品和工艺中与热量相关的因素进行实时、精确、定量的分析。FLIRT外热像仪具有以下主要功能;红外图像实时显示:能够即时获取并显示物体表面的红外热图。温度测量:支撑对物体表面温度的准确测量,提供最大、最小和平均温度值。图像和视频保存:可以将红外图像和视频保存到内部存储器或外部存储设备中,方便后续......
FLIR A655sc高分辨率科研用长波红外热像仪,文章来源于FLIR, 有助于工程师、研究人员及科学家对热图、泄漏、散逸及其它在设备、产品和工艺中与热量相关的因素进行实时、精确、定量的分析。FLIRT外热像仪具有以下主要功能;红外图像实时显示:能够即时获取并显示物体表面的红外热图。温度测量:支撑对物体表面温度的准确测量,提供最大、最小和平均温度值。图像和视频保存:可以将红外图像和视频保存到内部存储器或外部存储设备中,方便后续分析和报告生成。色彩调节:支撑对热图颜色调色板进行调整,以适应不同的应用场景。–自动和手动对焦:可以选择自动对焦功能,也可以手动调整焦距来获得清晰的图像。
FLIR A655sc High Resolution Research Longwave Infrared Camera, article from FLIR, helps engineers, researchers, and scientists perform real-time, accurate, and quantitative analyses of thermal maps, leaks, dissipation, and other heat-related factors in equipment, products, and processes.The FLIRT external thermal imaging camera has the following key features; Real-time display of the infrared image: the ability to instantly acquire and display an infrared thermal map of the surface of an object. Infrared thermal image of an object's surface. Temperature measurement: supports accurate measurement of the surface temperature of an object, providing maximum, minimum and average temperature values. Image and video saving: IR image and video can be saved to internal memory or external storage device, which is convenient for subsequent analysis and report generation. Color Adjustment: Supports adjustment of the heat map color palette to suit different application scenarios. -Auto and Manual Focus: You can choose the auto focus function or manually adjust the focus to get a clear image.
FLIR A655sc High Resolution Research Longwave Infrared Camera, article from FLIR, helps engineers, researchers, and scientists perform real-time, accurate, and quantitative analyses of thermal maps, leaks, dissipation, and other heat-related factors in equipment, products, and processes.The FLIRT external thermal imaging camera has the following key features; Real-time display of the infrared image: the ability to instantly acquire and display an infrared thermal map of the surface of an object. Infrared thermal image of an object's surface. Temperature measurement: supports accurate measurement of the surface temperature of an object, providing maximum, minimum and average temperature values. Image and video saving: IR image and video can be saved to internal memory or external storage device, which is convenient for subsequent analysis and report generation. Color Adjustment: Supports adjustment of the heat map color palette to suit different application scenarios. -Auto and Manual Focus: You can choose the auto focus function or manually adjust the focus to get a clear image.

图像质量和热灵敏度(Image quality and thermal sensitivity)
FLIR A655sc搭载有非制冷、免维护的氧化钒(VoX)红外探测器,生成热图像像素高达640×480,纤毫毕现地显示图像细节,精确度高,易于判读。FLIR A655sc可清晰,分辨低达50mK的细微温差。

家用电器上的热质量控制 / 摩托车制动检测
高速窗口技术(High-speed windowing technology)
FLIR A655sc可以在640×480分辨率下提供速度高达50帧/秒的14位数据连续存储。 拥有高速功能,在640×120像素窗口下,可将输出帧频提升至200Hz。
The FLIR A655sc can provide continuous 14-bit data storage at speeds up to 50 fps at 640 x 480 resolution. Featuring a high-speed function that boosts the output frame rate up to 200Hz in a 640 x 120 pixel window.
The FLIR A655sc can provide continuous 14-bit data storage at speeds up to 50 fps at 640 x 480 resolution. Featuring a high-speed function that boosts the output frame rate up to 200Hz in a 640 x 120 pixel window.
GigE VisionTM标准兼容性:GigE Vision使用的标准数据线长达100米,成本低廉,图像传输速度快。通过GigE Vision,来自不同供应商的硬件与App可以通过千兆位以太网接口无缝兼容。
GigE VisionTM Standard Compatibility: GigE Vision uses standard data cables up to 100 meters long for low cost and fast image transfer. With GigE Vision, hardware and software from different vendors are seamlessly compatible over the Gigabit Ethernet interface.
GigE VisionTM Standard Compatibility: GigE Vision uses standard data cables up to 100 meters long for low cost and fast image transfer. With GigE Vision, hardware and software from different vendors are seamlessly compatible over the Gigabit Ethernet interface.
GenICAMTM protocol support: GenICam creates a common application programming interface (API) regardless of the interface technology or features used.Because GenICam cameras always have the same API, cameras like the A655sc can be easily integrated with third party software.
App:FLIR A655sc热像仪与FLIR ResearchIR MaxApp完美兼容,界面直观,一目了然,能对热像仪获取的热数据进行记录和高级处理。
Software: The FLIR A655sc camera is perfectly compatible with FLIR ResearchIR Max software, which provides an intuitive, at-a-glance interface for recording and advanced processing of thermal data acquired by the camera.
Software: The FLIR A655sc camera is perfectly compatible with FLIR ResearchIR Max software, which provides an intuitive, at-a-glance interface for recording and advanced processing of thermal data acquired by the camera.
MathWorks® MATLAB数字图像处理:控制、获取直接访问MathWorks®数字图像处理的数据,进行高级图像分析及处理。
MathWorks® MATLAB Digital Image Processing: Control, acquire data with direct access to MathWorks® Digital Image Processing for advanced image analysis and processing.
MathWorks® MATLAB Digital Image Processing: Control, acquire data with direct access to MathWorks® Digital Image Processing for advanced image analysis and processing.
FLIR A655sc高分辨率科研用长波红外热像仪主要特性(Key Features of the FLIR A655sc High Resolution Research LWIR Camera)
• 非制冷红外探测器:640×480像素;Uncooled infrared detector: 640 x 480 pixels
• 千兆以太网接口及USB接口
• 配备微距镜头和长焦镜头
• 与MATLAB数字图像处理App兼容
系统概述 | FLIR A655sc |
非制冷型红外探测器 |
波长范围 | 7.5-14.0 μm |
分辨率 | 640x480 |
探测器像元间距 | 17 μm |
热成像 | |
时间常数 | <8 ms |
帧频(全窗口) | 50 Hz |
用户可选择640x240或640x120 |
最大帧频(窗口最小化时) | 200Hz(640x120) |
动态范围 | 14比特位 |
千兆位以太网(50/100/200Hz)USB(25/50/100 Hz) |
命令&控制 | 千兆位以太网,USB接口 |
–40 °C至150 °C ;100 °C至650 °C
可选择温度范围 | 高达2000 °C |
精度 | ±2 °C或读数的±2% |
光学镜头 | |
f/1.0 |
6.5 mm (80°), 13.1 mm (45°), 24.6 mm (25°), 41.3 mm;(15°), 88.9 mm (7°)
调焦 | 自动或手动(电动) |
微距镜头/显微镜 | 微距25 μm、50 μm、100 μm |
图像显示 | |
数据 | 使用ResearchIRApp通过PC显示 |
一般参数 | |
工作温度范围 | -15 °C至50 °C |
存放温度范围 | -40 °C至70 °C |
封装 |
抗撞击/抗振性 | 25 g (IEC 60068-2-29) / 2 g (IEC 60068-2-6) |
电源 | 12/24 VDC, 24 W(最大绝对值) |
重量 | 0.9 kg |
216×73×75 mm |
安装 | ¼” - 20(三面安装),2个M4螺丝(三面安装) |
深圳银飞有售FLIR A655sc高分辨率科研用长波红外热像仪