Erichsen329 hydraulic dynamometer

Erichsen 329 Wuppertal hydraulic pressure gauge, the compact hydraulic dynamometer is mainly used for temporary load inspection and on-site service, not for continuous loading.

Erichsen Wuppertal compact hydraulic dynamometer is mainly used for the temporary load inspection and on-site service, not for continuous loading. The dynamometer provides a curved compensation on the surface, the display unit has a diameter of 63mm, with the largest reading pointer.

The main features of the Erichsen dynamometer 329:

Compact design - low cost multi function

Surface bending compensation

Range range from 250N (56Lbs) to 630kN (140000Lbs)

Accuracy: full range 1.6%

Digital pressure gauge options, precision for the full range of 0.25%, IP65, battery time greater than 1000h

High pressure hoses and capillary options

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