美国鸟牌Bird企业最新推出的8865SC13精密射频负载。Bird - 8865SC13精密射频负载:确保现代等离子体工艺卓越性能的关键工具,Bird企业最新推出的8865SC13精密射频负载,是专为现代等离子体应用中实现最高程度的过程重复性和一致性而精心设计的一款关键组件。在等离子体工艺中,精确调控射频功率至关重要,8865SC13正是为此提供了一种超高稳定性的解决方案。这款产品不仅能提供极低的电压驻波比(VSWR),在13.56 MHz±10 kHz的稳定性频率下,即使功率输出达到满负荷的0至100%,其VSWR变化也小于0.1 dB,这极大地消除了由于负载校准时间和长度差异带来的重复性风险,从而最小化了相关过程变量的误差。
8865SC13, 13.56 MHz Ultra Stable Oil-Dielectric RF Termination For maximum process repeatability and consistency, modern plasma applications require precise RF power regulation and control. A key component in ensuring accurate & repeatable RF power delivery to the chamber is calibration, regulation & monitoring of the RF generator. Bird now offers ultra-stable, low VSWR loads for quick and precise measurement of generator power output when used with precision power sensors such as the Bird 4020 series. The 8865SC13 not only provide low VSWR but also less than 0.1 dB total change in VSWR at process critical frequencies. There is no need for load warm-up or risk of repeatability due to calibration for different lengths of time. This can minimize the errors associated with this calibration and control one of the more critical process variables.
8865SC13, 13.56 MHz Ultra Stable Oil-Dielectric RF Termination For maximum process repeatability and consistency, modern plasma applications require precise RF power regulation and control. A key component in ensuring accurate & repeatable RF power delivery to the chamber is calibration, regulation & monitoring of the RF generator. Bird now offers ultra-stable, low VSWR loads for quick and precise measurement of generator power output when used with precision power sensors such as the Bird 4020 series. The 8865SC13 not only provide low VSWR but also less than 0.1 dB total change in VSWR at process critical frequencies. There is no need for load warm-up or risk of repeatability due to calibration for different lengths of time. This can minimize the errors associated with this calibration and control one of the more critical process variables.
额定功率为1 kW,工作频率范围覆盖直流至28 MHz,在此范围内最大VSWR仅为1.1,典型阻抗为50Ω。尤为出色的是,其在关键频率点上的VSWR稳定性低于1.05:1,确保了射频能量的有效吸取和精确测量。连接器采用了女性“QC”型LC接头,同时可选配热保护开关,该开关在温度达到236°C(457°F)时打开,满足115 VAC/10 A或230 VAC/5 A的额定电气参数。
8865SC13油介质射频端接负载的工作温度范围为+5°C至+40°C(+41°F至+104°F),存储温度范围则为-40°C至+45°C(-40°F至+113°F),并且能在高达1520米(5000英尺)的海拔条件下稳定运行。即便在95%的最大非冷凝湿度环境下,8865SC13仍能依靠其油介质和自然对流散热机制保持正常工作。其物理尺寸为19.5英寸x 7.5英寸x 13.2英寸(496 x 184 x 334毫米),重约32磅(14.5公斤),外部涂覆有黑色环氧树脂,增加了耐磨耐蚀性。
产品规格参数 | 详细信息 |
产品件号 | 8865SC13 |
产品名称 | 1千瓦超稳定油介质射频终止负载 |
功率评级 | 1 kW |
频率范围与VSWR | 直流至28 MHz,@ 1.1最大VSWR |
VSWR | 小于1.05:1 |
阻抗 | 50欧姆(标称值) |
VSWR稳定性 | 在稳定性频率下,从0至100%额定功率变化小于0.1 dB |
稳定性频率 | 13.56 MHz ± 10 kHz |
连接器类型 | “QC”型LC(母头),通常标配 |
互锁温控开关 | 可选 |
温控开关状态 | 正常闭合,236°C(457°F)时开启 |
温控开关额定值 |
115 VAC, 10 A 230 VAC, 5 A |
温度范围 |
工作温度:+5至+40°C (+41至+104°F) 存储温度:–40至+45°C (–40至+113°F) |
海拔高度 | 1520米 (5000英尺) |
湿度范围 | 最大95%非冷凝 |
冷却方式 | 油介质与自然对流 |
尺寸 |
19.5" x 7.5" x 13.2" 496 x 184 x 334mm |
重量 |
32 lbs. 14.5 kg |
表面处理 |
黑色环氧树脂涂层 |