
Aircraft Type Pitot Test Adaptor Pitot Probe Part No. Static Test Adaptor Blanking Adaptor Miscellaneous Adaptor Pitot Pre-Test & Assembly Integrity Fixture Air Data Accessories Kit
S-76 PSS50902-3-4-4 856LK1 50891M-4
  421-3437  S76-612
Aircraft S-76
Air Data Accessories Kit S76-612
Category Other Helicopter
Lubricating Fluid LF5050
Pitot Pre-Test & Assembly Integrity Fixture 421-3437
Pitot Test Adaptor PSS50902-3-4-4
Seal and Spacer Kit SSK902
Seal Kit SK902
Static Test Adaptor / Blanking Adaptor 50891M-4
飞机 S-76
Air Data 附件套件 j件号S76-612
类别 其他直升机
润滑液 LF5050系列
Pitot预测试和装配完整性夹具 421-3437
皮托管测试适配器 PSS50902-3-4-4
密封件和垫片套件 SSK902型
密封套件 SK902系列
静态测试适配器 / 消隐适配器 50891M-4
AIR  DATA  ACCESSORIES  KIT MODEL No. S76-612 S-76 HELICOPTER - Proprietary Information -
The kit contains all the equipment required to test from source the complete pitot and static air data system on the S-76 helicopter, as well as he means of  pre-testing all adaptors and hoses prior to being ?tted to the helicopter.
Pitot & Dual Static Test Adaptor
Part No. PSS50902-3-4-4 (2 req’d.)
These units ?t the pitot static probes located on the nose and when installed they will isolate and test each system    separately or simultaneously.
Pre-Test Probe
Part No. 421-3437 (1 req’d.)
When it becomes necessary to test the integrity of the pitot & dual static adaptors and/or hoses, this unit is used in place of  the pitot & ual static probe.
Static Test Adaptor
Part No. 50891M-4 (1 req’d.)
This unit is used to test the static systems controlled by the static vents located on each side of the rear fuselage and being  cross connected internally. There are two pairs of these static vents. P.S. Be sure to connect the hose to the   adaptor before attachment to static vent.

Static Blanking Adaptor
Part No. 50891BM1 (1 req’d)
This adaptor is used to blank off the  matching static vent on the port side.

Pitot Test Hose Assembly
Part No. S76-7270 (1 req’d.)
This hose is connected to each pitot inlet of the adaptors, and is ?tted with double  acting quick disconnects for use when it  is desirable to test only one pitot system. The connection to the pitot outlet of the    pneumatic generator is included on this   assembly.
Static Test Hose Assembly
Part No. S76-5160 (1 req’d.)
This assembly attaches to the No.1 and  No.2 static positions on the adaptor. The double acting quick disconnects operate in the same manner as that on the pitot   test hose assembly. The extension hose then connects to the static outlet of the pneumatic generator.
Lubricating Fluid
Part No. LF5050 (1 req’d.)
This ?uid us used to lubricate the glands of the pitot & dual static adaptors. It is recommended that a small amount be placed on the glands before installing adaptors on pitot head. This will ensure smooth installation onto the pitot probe.
Part No. 444-S76
One manual is supplied with each kit.
The equipment is enclosed in a case assembly.





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