LINAXPQ3000电能质量监测仪 可以与电脑连接在线对电能质量的状态和能耗进行可视化的监控。传统上的电能质量监测只对已经出现的设备故障、过程中断或通信中断作出反应,而这款 im电竞和泛亚电竞 可以在这些问题发生前检测出,并提供数据,以此来确认发生这些问题的根本原因,所以说,这是一款性价比很高的im电竞和泛亚电竞,用户还可以根据自己的需求建立自己的测试系统,从而提高效率。现代的多语言设计允许通过网站或高分辨率彩色TFT显示屏(......
LINAXPQ3000电能质量监测仪可以与电脑连接在线对电能质量的状态和能耗进行可视化的监控。传统上的电能质量监测只对已经出现的设备故障、过程中断或通信中断作出反应,而这款im电竞和泛亚电竞可以在这些问题发生前检测出,并提供数据,以此来确认发生这些问题的根本原因,所以说,这是一款性价比很高的im电竞和泛亚电竞,用户还可以根据自己的需求建立自己的测试系统,从而提高效率。现代的多语言设计允许通过网站或高分辨率彩色TFT显示屏(800x480px)操作和参数化设备。集成的Web服务器提供对测量数据的远程采集,可视化和分析而且不需要其他App。LINAXPQ3000电能质量监测仪具有4个电流和4个电压通道,精度为0.1%,直接测量或通过变压器,标准IO:1个数字输入,2个数字输出,可选的UPS(5x3分钟),16 GB数据存储器,采样率:18kHz,通过极限值和监视功能进行监视和报警,用于面板安装,与AM/CU/DM系列设备相同的操作。
通用过程I / O,现在也Profinet
INSTANTANEOUS VALUES U, I, IMS, P, Q, S, PF, LF, QF ... Angle between voltage phasors Min/max of instantaneous values with time stamp |
EXTENDED REACTIVE POWER ANALYSIS Total reactive power, fundamental frequency, harmonics cosf, tanf of fundamental frequency with min values in all quadrants |
HARMONICS ANALYSIS (ACCORDING TO IEC 61000-4-7) Total harmonics content THD U/I and TDD I Individual harmonics U/I up to 50th |
IMBALANCE ANALYSIS Symmetrical components (positive, negative, zero sequence system) Imbalance (derived from symmetrical components) Deviation from U/I mean value |
ENERGY BALANCE ANALYSIS Meters for the demand/supply of active/reactive power, high/low tariff, meters with selectable fundamental variable Power mean values active/reactive power, demand and supply, freely definable mean values (e.g. phase power, voltage, current and much more) Mean value trends |
OPERATING HOURS 3 operating hour counters with programmable running condition Operating hours of the device |
POWER QUALITY Parameters according to IEC 61000-4-30, Class A Chap. 5.1 Power frequency Chap. 5.2 Magnitude of supply voltage Chap. 5.3 Flicker Chap. 5.4 Supply voltage dips / swells Chap. 5.5 Voltage interruptions Chap. 5.7 Supply voltage unbalance Chap. 5.8 Voltage harmonics Chap. 5.9 Voltage interharmonics Chap. 5.10 Mains signalling voltage on the supply voltage Chap. 5.11 Rapid voltage changes (RVC) Chap. 5.12 Underdeviation and overdeviation Chap. 5.13 Current (magnitude, harmonics, interharmonics) |
Transparent monitoring of present system state Fault detection, connection check, sense of rotation check Determination of grid variable variance with time reference |
Reactive power compensation Verification of specified power factor |
Evaluation of the thermic load of equipment Analysis of system perturbation and consumer structure |
Equipment overload protection Failure/earth fault detection |
Preparation of (internal) energy billing Determination of energy consumption versus time (load profile) for energy management or energy efficiency verification Energy consumption trend analysis for load management |
Monitoring of service and maintenance intervals of equipments |
Device type PQI-A FI2 (IEC 62586-1) Independent and accredited laboratory: Federal Institute of Metrology METAS. Tested at both 230V / 50Hz and 120V / 60Hz. Thanks to the certification according to IEC 62586-2 (standard for verifying compliance with IEC 61000-4-30) the device can serve as a reliable and comparable source of information for regulatory agencies, for negotiations with energy suppliers or for internal quality control. Generation of EN 50160 compliance reports by means of the SMARTCOLLECT PM20 Software. Improving the quality and reliability of the mains supply Identifying causes of disruptions |
LINAXPQ3000电能质量监测仪多达3个模块化扩展,模拟量输出±20mA(2/4),继电器输出(2),数字量输入(4),有源/无源,GPS时间同步,故障电流监控(残余或接地电流),温度监控(Pt100 ,PTC),IEC61850,Profinet I / O,灵活的基于角色的访问控制,可通过HTTPS加密通信,审核日志记录了所有与安全性相关的过程,支撑SYSLOG以传输到中央网络监视服务器,客户端白名单用于限制授权计算机的IP地址列表,数字固件签名可防止操纵的固件通过更新进入设备。