


LAVERSAB 6200型是一款专为直升机和非RVSM飞机设计的大气数据测试仪。该款型号已通过空客和大多数直升机等飞行器的认证,可适用于以上这些飞行器的大气数据测试。它被授权用于大多数直升机的皮托管静压系统的泄漏检查和准确性检查。精度检查通常在标准飞行仪表上进行,包括高度表、空速表和垂直速度指示器,可在低速飞行情况下进行。6200型设备配备有远程控制装置,带有大型键盘和显示屏,可选配可拆卸式8小时电池、宽工作温度范围以及用于加速测试的“配置文件”。此外,该台皮托管静压全压测试仪可通过iPad或其他平板电脑进行控制,每年只需进行一次校准。
The Model 6200 is a Pitot Static tester targeted for helicopters and Non-RVSM aircraft. It is approved for most Helicopters and is used to perform leak checks and accuracy checks on the Pitot Static systems. Accuracy check is performed on typical flight instrumentation – altimeters, airspeed indicators and VSI’s – and can be done at low airspeeds. The Model 6200 includes a Remote unit with large keypad and display, a removable 8-hour battery (optional), wide operating temperature (optional), and “profiles” to accelerate testing. The unit can be controlled by an iPad or other tablets.


The 6150 Tester connects directly to an aircraft’s Pitot and Static system. It allows the user to simulate altitude, airspeed, and VSI and also to perform leak checks on both the Pitot and Static systems of an aircraft. The high accuracy of the digital transducers used in the tester makes it suitable for performing leak checks on any aircraft. The tester has built-in, high-capacity vacuum and pressure pumps that make it capable of handling leak-checks on any type of aircraft, including wide-body transport and cargo aircraft. Leak values are clearly displayed in 1, 3, and 5 minutes intervals. Several protection features are included in the tester to reduce the possibility of damage to the aircraft instruments. The solid-state transducers are immune to damage due to pressure surges. Calibration is required only once a year.


Laversab6300型是面向通用航空的 RVSM 皮托管静压测试仪。它用于对RVSM飞机的皮托管静压系统进行泄漏检查和精度检查。精度检查通常在高度计、空速指示器和 VSI 上实行。6300 型配备了一个带有大键盘和显示屏的远程装置、可拆卸的 8 小时电池(可选)、宽工作温度(可选)和用于加速测试的“配置文件”。每年只需要校准一次。6300 可以通过 iPad 或其他平板电脑进行控制。每年只需进行一次校准。

The Model 6300 is a versatile 2-channel RVSM Pitot Static Tester targeted for General Aviation; all Business Jets and Commercial Aircraft. It is used to perform leak-checks and accuracy checks on the Pitot Static systems of RVSM aircraft up to 690 knots & 60,000 ft. Accuracy checks are typically performed on altimeters, airspeed indicators and VSI’s. The Model 6300 is equipped with a Remote unit with large keypad and display, a removable 8-hour battery (optional), wide operating temperature (optional), and “profiles” to accelerate testing. Calibration is required only once a year. The 6300 can be controlled by an iPad or other tablets.
The Model 6300 is approved for Boeing, Airbus, and most OEMs.



拥有NSN件号:6625 01 358 6854
Laversab6300L型是RVSM自动皮托管静压测试仪,适用于通用航空。它旨在直接连接到飞机的皮托管和静压系统。使用小巧轻便的远程装置,用户可以从驾驶舱操作测试仪,并使用它来测试飞机的整个皮托管和静压系统,包括高度计、爬升指示器、空速/马赫指示器、空气数据计算机和自动驾驶仪。该测试仪包括内置真空泵和压力泵以及紧急手动泄气阀。操作员只需连接电源、皮托管和静压软管,即可使设备正常运行。它每年只需要校准一次。使用“配置文件”使操作员只需使用远程装置上的一个键即可完成测试。此外,所有命令都可以通过 RS232 接口实行。每年只需进行一次校准。
NSN: 6625 01 358 6854
The Model 6300L is an RVSM Automated Pitot Static Tester targeted for General Aviation. It is designed to connect directly to an aircraft’s Pitot and Static system. Using the small and light-weight Remote unit a user can operate the tester from the cockpit and use it to test the entire pitot and static system of the aircraft, including altimeters, climb indicators, airspeed / Mach indicators, air data computers, and auto-pilots. The tester includes built-in vacuum and pressure pumps and emergency manual bleed-down valves. The operator simply connects power, and the pitot and static hoses, to make the unit operational. It needs to be calibrated only once a year. The use of “Profiles” makes it possible for the operator to run through a test using only a single key on the Remote unit. Also, all commands can be performed through the RS232 interface.






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