型号PROFITEST PV1500,订货件号M360F的光伏系统峰值功率测量仪及特性曲线跟踪器自动量程高达1500V / 20A / 30kW,PROFiTEST-PV允许测量单个光伏组件以及组串的特征IU曲线。连接>开关>开始测量>读取结果>完成!借助专利工艺,该仪器能够直接在现场确定峰值功率、内部串联电阻和内部并联电阻,“只需一次测量,无需输入模块数据”,然后显示在适合在阳光下使用的高分辨率彩色图形触摸屏上。
With the rapid development of photovoltaic power generation technology, photovoltaic modules are more and more widely used in practical applications. In order to ensure the safety, reliability and performance controllability of photovoltaic power generation equipment, a variety of safety test standards have been developed around the world. As solar panels and other components, photovoltaic modules have become one of the important equipment in the power field of various countries. Therefore, safety testing standards for PV modules are also very important. This article will detail the progress and future challenges of the latest safety testing standards for PV modules.一、光伏组件安规测试标准的概述
国际电工委员会(IEC)发布了六项光伏组件标准,包括62108、61730、61646、61701和61215。其中,IEC61215和IEC61730是光伏组件最重要的国际技术标准。IEC61215主要用于测试光伏组件的电气机械特性,如输出功率、电压曲线、外部尺寸、机械负载等,IEC61730用于测试光伏组件的安全特性,如耐火性、机械强度、耐候性能和电气安全性能。如果需要,IEC 61701 或 IEC 8623 提供了盐雾腐蚀和耐气候循环的测试方法。
国家标准委员会也制定了《太阳能电池板质量检验规范》(GB /T9535-199e)、《光伏组件产品安全规范》(GB/T 31010-2014)等国内标准。GB /T9535-199e 主要规定了生产厂家在太阳能电池板生产过程中应该采取的技术路线和工艺要求,确保出厂的产品质量符合要求;GB/T 31010-2014主要规定了光伏组件产品的安全性能,并要求光伏组件产品必须符合国家的标准要求,并保证光伏组件产品在日常使用及遭遇异常情况下能够正常运行。
为了更好地保证光伏组件的安全性和可靠性,提高光伏组件的性能和寿命,各国国际组织和相关机构对现行标准进行了修订和升级。在德国,电气和电子工业协会(VDE)推出了新的安全测试标准,即“IEC 61215 Ed.3 - 62257 - 1 - 4”和“IEC 61730 Ed.3 - 62257 - 2 - 4”,以测试光伏组件的电气安全性和机械强度。该标准还与欧盟规范相结合,因此被称为欧洲标准 (EN) 61730。根据欧盟要求,如果要将产品引入欧盟市场,则该组件必须通过符合这些标准的安全测试。
美国的研究重点是确保对光伏组件的深刻理解,并进行研究,以更好地适应光伏组件在大量安装的情况下遇到的问题。美国国家标准协会 (ANSI) 推出了安全测试标准 ANSI/UL1703,该标准与 IEC61215/61730 相似但不同。本标准用于测试光伏组件的电气安全性、机械强度和使用寿命,其要求比IEC61215/61730测试标准更严格。
With the continuous innovation of photovoltaic module technology, its safety test standards also face many challenges. On the one hand, safety testing standards need to keep pace with the times to adapt to the emerging new photovoltaic technologies. On the other hand, the safety and reliability of PV modules are seriously affected by factors such as climate, environment, and usage conditions, and how to reflect the impact of these factors on PV modules in standard testing is also a challenge.
With the increasing use of photovoltaic modules, how to control the energy consumption in their manufacturing process is also one of the challenges that needs to be solved urgently. Attention should be paid to the study of the environmental and friendliness assessment of photovoltaic modules, and the manufacturing process of photovoltaic modules should be improved by reducing energy consumption and co-production, while giving full play to the important role of photovoltaic modules in the energy field and other fields.