Crystal WT Digital pressure gauge

Replace Wally Box meter!

The XP2i version of WT has the same size and pressure connection as the most common tester in the portable box. It can be used to replace the Wally Box pressure gauge.

Reading accuracy 0.1%

• access to batteries and digital communication systems from the front

• rugged "Wally Box" instrument is not affected by drop and accidental overvoltage

Optional pressure data recording function

• optional 6 "or" 8.5 "mounting panel


-1000 installed in 6 "panel instrument

-1500 installed in 8.5 "panel instrument

B absolute pressure - suitable for the rated pressure of 2000 psi or above. Add B to the unit, which means an absolute ruler (e.g. 2KPSIBXP2I).

-DL DataLoggerXP - allows you to record up to 32000 measurements. The software is responsible for the data transmission and save to your computer hard drive, XP2i after authorization, will begin to carry out all the actual data collection work. You can also use the software to update the instrument firmware to the latest version.


2400 RS232 cable (6ft)

3313 - USB A to RS232 adapter socket DB9M


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